I want to schedule tasks with the Microsoft Solver Framework. For now i have the simple goal to just order the tasks in a queue so that i get a minimal project time. (later i want to have more than one queue). I tried to approach this with the following setup:
Here is my code so far
static void Main(string[] args) {
var data = new List<Task>() {
new Task(){ Duration = 1, Name = "task0"},
new Task(){ Duration = 1, Name = "task1"},
new Task(){ Duration = 1, Name = "task2"},
public class Task {
private static int id_counter = 0;
public Task() { ID = id_counter++; }
public int ID { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Duration { get; set; }
private static void SolveScheduling(IEnumerable<Task> data) {
SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
Model model = context.CreateModel();
var set = new Set(Domain.Any,"TaskSet");
var projectFinish = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "projectFinish");
var taskSet = new Set(Domain.Any, "tasks");
var durations = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "durations", taskSet);
durations.SetBinding(data, "Duration", "Name");
var ids = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "ids", taskSet);
ids.SetBinding(data, "ID", "Name");
var starts = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "starts", taskSet);
var finishs = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "finishs", taskSet);
model.AddDecisions(starts, finishs);
model.AddParameters(durations, ids);
// Constraints
// start + duration = finish
model.AddConstraint("constraint0", Model.ForEach(taskSet, (t) => starts[t] + durations[t] == finishs[t]));
// Tasks after each other
model.AddConstraint("constraint1", Model.ForEach(taskSet, t =>
Model.ForEachWhere(taskSet, t2 => Model.Or(finishs[t] < starts[t2] , starts[t] > finishs[t2]), (t2) => ids[t] != ids[t2])));
// projectFinish after all tasks finished
model.AddConstraint("constraint2", Model.ForEach(taskSet, t => projectFinish >= finishs[t]));
// Goals
model.AddGoal("goal0", GoalKind.Minimize, projectFinish);
Solution solution = context.Solve();//new SimplexDirective());
Report report = solution.GetReport();
Console.WriteLine(@"===== report =====");
Console.Write("{0}", report);
Now the problem is that it takes for ever to solve this (although it are only 3 tasks and 1 queue). What am i missing here and how can i improve the speed of solving.
I found a solution for my problem. If you have any improvements feel free to comment. Here is my code:
SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
Model model = context.CreateModel();
// === Sets ===
var taskSet = new Set(0,data.Count(), 1);
// === Parameters ===
var duration = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "durations", taskSet);
var id = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "id", taskSet);
duration.SetBinding(data, "Duration", "ID");
id.SetBinding(data, "ID", "ID");
model.AddParameters(duration, id);
// === Decisions ===
var projectFinish = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "projectFinish");
var start = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "starts", taskSet);
var finish = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "finishs", taskSet);
model.AddDecisions(projectFinish, start, finish);
// === Constraints ===
model.AddConstraint("constraint0", start[0] == 0);
// start + duration = finish
model.AddConstraint("constraint1", Model.ForEach(taskSet, (t) => start[t] + duration[t] == finish[t]));
// projectFinish after all tasks finished
model.AddConstraint("constraint2", Model.ForEach(taskSet, t => projectFinish >= finish[t]));
// not more than one task at a time
model.AddConstraint("constraint3", Model.ForEach(taskSet, t =>
Model.ForEachWhere(taskSet, t2 => Model.Or(finish[t] < start[t2], start[t] > finish[t2]), (t2) => id[t] != id[t2])));
// === Goals ===
model.AddGoal("goal0", GoalKind.Minimize, projectFinish); // minimieren der projekt zeit
// === Solve ===
Solution solution = context.Solve();
I found a solution that works for me. I changed the taskSet
var taskSet = new Set(0, data.Count(), 1);
and added a new constraint
model.AddConstraint("constraint", starts[0] == 0);
I updated the question