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How to find image path in c#?

I want to find image path but I didn't.

my image path : C:\Works\Web5.1.0\Src\Works.WebNext\Password\assets\img my image name : reset_password.jpg

I tried this : string path2 = Path.GetFullPath("reset_password.jpg"); but it's wrong path (output: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv)

and tried this :

string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
string a = Path.Combine(path, "reset_password.jpg");

output : (C:\Works\Web5.1.0\Src\Works.WebNext\bin )

I think, output should be like this : C:\Works\Web5.1.0\Src\Works.WebNext\Password\assets\img

one more thing : image path may not be same another computer so I think give a specific path is not right (for example : C:\Works\Web5.1.0\Src\Works.WebNext\Password\assets\img )

X computer : C:\Works\Web5.1.0\Src\Works.WebNext\Password\assets\img
Y computer : C:\Works\Web\Src\Works.WebNext\Password\assets\img

By the way, I am writing with c#.

How can I do ? Any ideas please.


  • I'm not sure I've understood the issue but an idea of how to find the same file on many systems is:


    This will give you the location of the folder that your running executable is in. The output is in the format of "C:\Folder\Folder\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\".

    So, you can put the image in the same folder as the .exe, add "imagefilename.type" and you should find it.

    Please clarify if this doesn't answer your question.