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AccessViolationException when changing lParam(Resize Rectangle)

I am currently creating a WPF Window which preserves its aspect ratio when resized.

My first idea was to handle the WM_SIZE Message and set the Size there, but this produced annoying flickering. So I tried to change the lParam of WM_Size which produced AccessViolationExceptions. Same happend with manipulating lParam on WM_SIZING.


Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Interop

Public Class AspectWindow
    Inherits Window

    Private AspectRatio As Double
    Private ResizeDirection As Direction

    Enum Direction
    End Enum

    Enum WM
        WM_SIZE = &H5
        WM_SIZING = &H214
        WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = &H232
        WM_NCCALCSIZE = &H83
    End Enum

    Enum WMSZ
        WMSZ_BOTTOM = &H6
        WMSZ_LEFT = &H1
        WMSZ_RIGHT = &H2
        WMSZ_TOP = &H3
        WMSZ_TOPLEFT = &H4
        WMSZ_TOPRIGHT = &H5
    End Enum

    Enum WVR
        WVR_VALIDRECTS = &H400
    End Enum

    Enum IntPtrBool
        [True] = 1
        [False] = 0
    End Enum

    Friend Structure RECT
        Public left As Long
        Public top As Long
        Public right As Long
        Public bottom As Long
    End Structure

    Protected Overrides Sub OnSourceInitialized(e As EventArgs)
        AspectRatio = Me.ActualWidth / Me.ActualHeight
        Dim source As HwndSource = TryCast(HwndSource.FromVisual(Me), HwndSource)
        If source IsNot Nothing Then
            source.AddHook(New HwndSourceHook(AddressOf WinProc))
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function WinProc(hwnd As IntPtr, msg As Integer, wParam As IntPtr, lParam As IntPtr, ByRef handled As Boolean) As IntPtr
        Select Case msg
            Case WM.WM_SIZING
                Select Case wParam
                    Case WMSZ.WMSZ_BOTTOM, WMSZ.WMSZ_TOP
                        ResizeDirection = Direction.Vertical
                        Exit Select
                    Case WMSZ.WMSZ_LEFT, WMSZ.WMSZ_RIGHT
                        ResizeDirection = Direction.Horizontal
                        Exit Select

                End Select

                If Not lParam = Nothing Then

                    Dim Rect As RECT = Marshal.PtrToStructure(Of RECT)(lParam)

                    If ResizeDirection = Direction.Horizontal Then
                        Rect.bottom =
                        Rect.right =
                    End If

                    'Manipulating Resize Rectangle
           = 1
                    Rect.bottom = 2
                    Rect.left = 3
                    Rect.right = 4 

                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(Of RECT)(Rect, lParam, False)

                End If

                Return IntPtrBool.True
        End Select

        Return IntPtr.Zero
    End Function

End Class


  • Solved it with handling WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING:

    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.Windows.Interop
    Public Class AspectWindow
        Inherits Window
        Private AspectRatio As Double
        Private ResizeDirection As WMSZ
        Enum WM
            WM_SIZING = &H214
        End Enum
        Enum WMSZ
            WMSZ_BOTTOM = &H6
            WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT = &H7
            WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT = &H8
            WMSZ_LEFT = &H1
            WMSZ_RIGHT = &H2
            WMSZ_TOP = &H3
            WMSZ_TOPLEFT = &H4
            WMSZ_TOPRIGHT = &H5
        End Enum
        Enum IntPtrBool
            [True] = 1
            [False] = 0
        End Enum
        Friend Structure WINDOWPOS
            Public hwnd As IntPtr
            Public hwndInsertAfter As IntPtr
            Public x As Integer
            Public y As Integer
            Public cx As Integer
            Public cy As Integer
            Public flags As Integer
        End Structure
        Protected Overrides Sub OnSourceInitialized(e As EventArgs)
            AspectRatio = Me.ActualWidth / Me.ActualHeight
            Dim source As HwndSource = TryCast(HwndSource.FromVisual(Me), HwndSource)
            If source IsNot Nothing Then
                source.AddHook(New HwndSourceHook(AddressOf WinProc))
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Function WinProc(hwnd As IntPtr, msg As Integer, wParam As IntPtr, lParam As IntPtr, ByRef handled As Boolean) As IntPtr
            Select Case msg
                Case WM.WM_SIZING
                    ResizeDirection = wParam
                    Return IntPtrBool.True
                Case WM.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
                    Dim Pos = Marshal.PtrToStructure(Of WINDOWPOS)(lParam)
                    Dim Last = Pos
                    If Not ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_TOP AndAlso Not ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_BOTTOM Then
               = / AspectRatio
                    End If
                    If Not ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_RIGHT AndAlso Not ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_LEFT Then
               = * AspectRatio
                    End If
                    If ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_TOPRIGHT OrElse ResizeDirection = WMSZ.WMSZ_TOPLEFT Then
                        Pos.y += -
                    End If
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(Of WINDOWPOS)(Pos, lParam, True)
            End Select
        End Function
    End Class