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Canvas zooming in WPF using code behind

Here the scenario is:

I have a canvas with different diagrams drawn on it. Now the requirement is to zoom into the canvas using the code behind either using C# or VB. Moreover I need to place the zoom code in some dll so that i can reuse the same set of code through out my application.

Now my question is how to do this....

I have tried the following code pls have a look..

public MainWindow()

    canvas.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(canvas_MouseEnter);
    canvas.MouseWheel += new MouseWheelEventHandler(canvas_MouseWheel);

void canvas_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
    double height = canvas.ActualHeight;
    double width = canvas.ActualWidth;
    double zoom = e.Delta;
    height += 2;
    width += 2;
    ScaleTransform sc = new ScaleTransform(width, height);
    canvas.LayoutTransform = sc;


  • I believe what you are looking for is a zoom behavior. Behaviors are objects that encapsulate some form of interactive behavior. I've seen several examples of "Zoom Behaviors" that you should be able to use for your project.