I am trying to use Julia's A_mul_B!
with a container type, something like
# my composite type, contains 2 vectors and 1 matrix of same Float type
type MyContainer{T <: Float}
z :: Vector
x :: Matrix
y :: Vector
MyContainer(z::Vector{T}, x::Matrix{T}, y::Vector{T}) = new(z,x,y)
I then use an instance of MyContainer
with A_mul_B!
followed by some arithmetic with the Vector
# only work with single/double precision
typealias Float Union{Float32, Float64}
# function to perform mat-vec multiply
function f{T <: Float}(v::MyContainer{T})
Base.A_mul_B!(v.z, v.x, v.y)
return sumabs2(v.z) * sumabs2(v.y)
As defined, f
is curiously not type-stable, even though the constructor itself is type-stable. Is there a place where I can annotate the types of z
, x
, and y
so that A_mul_B!
sees them?
Here is a minimal working example:
module MyModule
export MyContainer, f
# only work with single/double precision
typealias Float Union{Float32, Float64}
# my composite type, contains 2 vectors and 1 matrix of same Float type
type MyContainer{T <: Float}
z :: Vector
x :: Matrix
y :: Vector
MyContainer(z::Vector{T}, x::Matrix{T}, y::Vector{T}) = new(z,x,y)
# testing routine initializes all arrays with a single value
function MyContainer{T <: Float}(n::Int, t::T)
z = t*ones(T, n)
x = t*ones(T, (n,n))
y = t*ones(T, n)
return MyContainer{eltype(z)}(z, x, y)
# function to perform mat-vec multiply
function f{T <: Float}(v::MyContainer{T})
Base.A_mul_B!(v.z, v.x, v.y)
return sumabs2(v.z) * sumabs2(v.y)
function g()
# check type stability
@code_warntype MyModule.MyContainer(10, 1.0) # type-stable
@code_warntype MyModule.f(v) # red Array{T,1}, Array{T,2}, Any
# make a container
v = MyModule.MyContainer(10, 1.0)
# does type-stability matter for performance?
@time 1+1
@time MyModule.f(v) # maybe... note small memory allocation
# omit output of @code_warntype for conciseness
0.000000 seconds
0.000001 seconds (3 allocations: 48 bytes)
As David Sanders pointed out, the problem is
type MyContainer{T <: Float}
z :: Vector
x :: Matrix
y :: Vector
MyContainer(z::Vector{T}, x::Matrix{T}, y::Vector{T}) = new(z,x,y)
Since Vector
and Matrix
are abstract types, this type's fields are not concrete-inferrable. The fix is to concretely type them:
type MyContainer{T <: Float}
z :: Vector{T}
x :: Matrix{T}
y :: Vector{T}