I'm trying to conditionally show and hide columns based on the data returned, if the data set contains any objects meeting conditions.
Here is a sample of the data returned from my search results
"id": "typeahead-241-1091-option-0",
"label": "Android Home Page",
"model": {
"type": "link",
"id": "typeahead-241-1091-option-1",
"label": "Google",
"model": {
"type": "link",
"id": "typeahead-241-1091-option-2",
"label": "Forgotten Google Play Password",
"model": {
"type": "kb",
Now I'm presenting the data in columns, based on the type.
<div class="flexitem">
<h4>External Links</h4>
<div ng-repeat="match in matches" ng-if="match.model.type == 'link'">{{match.label}}</div>
<div class="flexitem">
<h4>Knowledge Base</h4>
<div ng-repeat="match in matches" ng-if="match.model.type == 'kb'">{{match.label}}</div>
<!-- the below has no results. I want it hidden altogether
currently it shows the <h4>Products</h4> with nothing below it-->
<div class="flexitem">
<div ng-repeat="match in matches" ng-if="match.model.type == 'product'">{{match.label}}</div>
What I need to accomplish is putting conditions on the flexitem divs altogether to only show if there are results for that type. So if there are no results with the type == 'product', then don't even show that div. A ng-if on that row would work, but what will be the best way to cycle through all of the children of match to determine if there is a result? indexOf doesn't work through children arrays.
Put the logic on the angular side using Array.filter to separate arrays;
Angular controller:
$scope.linkMathches = $scope.matches.filter(function(m){
return m.model.type === 'link'
$scope.kbMathches = $scope.matches.filter(function(m){
return m.model.type === 'kb'
<div class="flexitem" ng-if="linkMathches.length">
<h4>External Links</h4>
<div ng-repeat="match in linkMathches">
<div class="flexitem" ng-if="kbMathches.length">
<h4>Knowledge Base</h4>
<div ng-repeat="match in kbMathches">
Going further for dynamic values in model.type
Angular controller:
$scope.typeMatches = {
link: {title: 'External Links', matches: []},
kb: {title: 'Knowledge Base', matches: []},
product: {title: 'Products', matches: []}
<div class="flexitem"
ng-repeat="(key,value) in typeMatches">
<div ng-repeat="match in value.matches">