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uglifyjs does not mangle variables if eval ist present

uglify does not mangle the variables if "eval()" is present. Command line:

uglifyjs script/script.js --compress --mangle --unsafe /path/to/script


(function(window, document, $) {
    "use strict";
    var test = function( $data )
        eval( $data );
    test( '' );
})(window, document, jQuery);


!function(window,document,$){"use strict";var test=function($data){eval($data)};test("")}(window,document,jQuery);


!function(n,t,u){"use strict";var c=function(n){eval(n)};c("")}(window,document,jQuery);


  • I encountered this myself recently, and while this question is quite old now, I think I found the solution.

    The reason for this is that eval() could in theory access things from the parent scope there; you could pass "test" as the string and it would actually return the function wrapping eval.

    This started happening in my project when I added a fallback to eval() for runtimes without a JSON.parse implementation.

    In more recent versions of Uglify it looks like you can disable this as per the documentation:

    To enable the mangler you need to pass --mangle (-m). The following (comma-separated) options are supported:

    • toplevel — mangle names declared in the toplevel scope (disabled by default).
    • eval — mangle names visible in scopes where eval or with are used (disabled by default).
