I'm trying to convert this nested for loop:
for k,v in all_R.iteritems():
for pairs in v:
print pairs[1]
to a one liner, something like this:
print ([pairs[1] for pairs in v for k,v in all_R.iteritems()])
But I'm getting this error:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'v' referenced before assignment
all_R is a defaultdict where every value has keys that are pairs, and I'm interested in just one value from that pair:
{'1-0002': [('A-75G', 'dnaN'), ('I245T', 'recF'),... ], '1-0004': [('A-75G', 'dnaN'), ('L161', 'dnaN'),...]}
List comprehensions are written in the same order as for loops, so you are actually looking for (Note the order is reversed)
([pairs[1] for k,v in all_R.iteritems() for pairs in v ])
Here's a break down that shows the structure a bit more clearly:
for k,v in all_R.iteritems()
for pairs in v
If you are looking to use generators as your title suggests, you can use parenthesis instead of brackets.
(pairs[1] for k,v in all_R.iteritems() for pairs in v)
That will create a generator with your desired properties.