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How to get encryption type of the current wifi connection without scanning all wifi networks?

Is there a way to get wifi encryption type (like WSA, WSA2, WEP) programmatically on Android 6.0+ without using:

WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
List<ScanResult> networkList = wifi.getScanResults();

because I don't want to have to ask user for access to location.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

which appears to be a requirement when scanning wifi networks.

I am hoping there is a way to get this without having to scan all wifi networks like in the class.


  • NO, this is not possible. The only way you have to get the encryption type of current running wifi is by using the or ScanResults using iterations.

    You can use the below example to get encryption type of current running Wifi with ScanResult

    WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    List<ScanResult> networkList = wifi.getScanResults();
    //get current connected SSID for comparison to ScanResult
    WifiInfo wi = wifi.getConnectionInfo();
    String currentSSID = wi.getSSID();
        if (networkList != null) {
            for (ScanResult network : networkList)
               //check if current connected SSID
               if (currentSSID.equals(network.SSID)){
                //get capabilities of current connection
                String Capabilities =  network.capabilities;        
                Log.d (TAG, network.SSID + " capabilities : " + Capabilities);
                if (Capabilities.contains("WPA2")) {
                   //do something
                else if (Capabilities.contains("WPA")) {
                   //do something
                else if (Capabilities.contains("WEP")) {
                   //do something

    You can get the refferences from here: