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DefaultChemObjectBuilder ClassNotFoundException occur when running jmh benchmark in terminal Intellij Idea

I can run the project as an application in IntelliJ IDEA by using main method. But when I'm trying to run it using terminal for benchmark, a class not found exception occurs.

public class MyBenchmark {

    public static void sdfIterativeReader() throws ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException {
        File sdfFile = new File("molecule.sdf");
        IChemObjectBuilder builder = DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance();

        IteratingSDFReader reader = new IteratingSDFReader(new FileInputStream(sdfFile),builder);
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            IAtomContainer molecule = (IAtomContainer);
            IMolecularFormula formula = MolecularFormulaManipulator.getMolecularFormula(molecule);
            String molecularFromula = MolecularFormulaManipulator.getString(formula);

I used the command: mvn clean install then project is building successfully. When I run the command:

java -jar target/benchmarks.jar

it gives the following error:

enter image description here

Here, I have attached my pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>JMH benchmark sample: Java</name>
    <!-- -->
        <systemPath>${cdk.lib}/cdk-1.5.13 .jar</systemPath>
                            <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
                                    Shading signed JARs will fail without this.


  • Add to file MANIFEST.MF this line:

    Class-Path: lib/cdk-1.5.13.jar

    Or run you benchmark thought class with main method:

    java -cp path/to/cdk/lib/cdk-1.5.13.jar:. com.your.main.ClassName

    For more info read answers from this discussion.

    And also this answer to understand system scope of Maven dependency that you've chose for cdk-1.5.13.jar.