I am writing to you because I truly don't know what else I can do. When I try to select a channel after I checked "Fullfillment" the Action dropdown list remains empty, all there is to see is "Select Action ..." --> no Channel and I don't know how to get them.
As I saw earlier "If you want to try the channels, click this button to add our Action Binding bot to your Slack team" I thought this had to do with me not having done that but after I created a Slack account and added the Action Binding bot Nothing changed !
I though that maybe I was supposed to register to some channels on Slack but I don't why that'd be the reason plus I can't find the public Channels.
So I am stuck there, please can you help me so I can use those channels ?
1.Log in to Slack and create a Slack Application for your bot https://api.slack.com/applications/new
2.Create application and set redirect URI
3.Create a Slack Bot
4.Add Interactive Messages (optional)
5.Configure Interactive Messages (optional)
6.Gather your Credentials https://slack.botframework.com/Content/StepAuth.png
7.Submit your Credentials