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undefined reference to GUID_DEVINTERFACE_XXX

I am trying to use GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK (or _FLOPPY... etc) in function SetupDiGetClassDevs, but g++ still don't build because of an undefined reference.

I have linked to with SetupAPI and incuded nstddstor.h as requiered (

I saw that including initguid.h may resolve the problem, but it doesn't for me.

Also, when I try affecting a GUID variable as GUID g = GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK; and if I put my mouse on GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK, eclipse shows me where is it defined (nstddstor.h), but after compiling, it still doesn't work.

Any solutions ?


  • I don't have the Windows DDK handy and so I can't verify it but a user on another forum reports that it works by including initguid.h before ntddstor.h, so the following might work:

    #include <initguid.h>
    #include <ntddstor.h>
    #include <Setupapi.h>
    // Code copied from:
    int main(void) {
        HDEVINFO hDevInfo;
        hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME,
    cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /MD guid.cpp Setupapi.lib