I am setting minDate
and maxDate
on datetimepicker.
is showing as selectable but when I click it, it does not update the input control.
Selecting maxDate
works fine.
Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/zlaja1983/t23z4hLd/
var minDate = moment().subtract(7, 'days');
var maxDate = moment();
minDate: minDate,
maxDate: maxDate,
showClear: false,
useCurrent: false,
format: 'l'
Seems to be an issue with the plugin. See fiddle.
For some reason, this works...
var minDate = moment().subtract(7, 'days').millisecond(0).second(0).minute(0).hour(0);
Found the solution on their Github issue tracker.
Edit: Just realized that you're the same person who opened the issue on Github. Haha.