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Error 403 when trying to connect to websocket api

I currently develop a realtime kik connector for the unification engine.
To receive the messages, I connect to the websocket endpoint using my users name and password.
Sadly, I get an error 403 everytime.

Is there anything else I have to look out for?

Some examples:

$ curl -XPOST -u $USER_NAME:$PASSWORD --data "{}" -k -s | jq
  "status": 200,
  "info": "200 OK",
  "connections": {
    "kik": {
      "uri": "kik://[email protected]"


$ wscat --auth "$USER_NAME:$PASSWORD" -c wss://

error: Error: unexpected server response (403)


  • Are you using this library?

    Does this library support authentication in this way?

    wscat --auth "$USER_NAME:$PASSWORD" -c wss://

    Done research on this, wscat is using npm ws, for webscoket connection.

    Can you try header like this and check

    var ws = new WebSocket('wss://', {
        origin: '',
        headers: { Authorization: 'base64 auth' }

    You can create base64 auth like this in nodejs

    var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(USER_ACCESS_KEY + ":" + USER_ACCESS_SECRET).toString("base64");