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chef exception handling -> simplest way to use chat_message (LWRP) on :run_failed

We have chef-client scheduled on our nodes and I'll like to set up exception handling so the error is reported in our chat.

Previously I got help here to write a LWRP which posts to chat

chat_message do
    message "Hello, World"
    channel "deployments"

Now, in my recipe deploy_stuff, I would like a simple way to report exceptions with the LWRP chat_message, and I tried this:

# set up error handler
Chef.event_handler do
  on :run_failed do |exception|
    chat_message ":exclamation: chef run_failed on #{}: #{exception.message}"

However it didn't work:

Running handlers:
[2016-10-14T10:13:48+02:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2016-10-14T10:13:48+02:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
Chef Client failed. 10 resources updated in 20 seconds
[2016-10-14T10:13:48+02:00] ERROR: undefined method `chat_message' for #<#<Class:0x00000005e1ef60>:0x00000005e1ee70>
[2016-10-14T10:13:48+02:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)

What does undefined method chat_message mean - can't I use a LWRP here?

I am sure the chat cookbook is included because other code in my recipe calling chat_message works fine.


  • No, the event handler just runs plain old Ruby code, not the recipe DSL. You could put the important logic in a library method and call it from both the resource and the event handler.