Ok so this:
fun Context.quantityFromRes(id_: Int, qtt:Int, vararg format: Any) = resources.getQuantityString(id_, qtt, format)
<plurals name="header_view">
<item quantity="one">Oh no! You just lost %1$d Point</item>
<item quantity="other">Oh no! You just lost %1$d Points</item>
Gives this error:
"java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: %d can't format [Ljava.lang.Object; arguments"
Apparent Java fix:
public class XmlPluralFormatter {
private XmlPluralFormatter() {
throw new IllegalStateException("You can't fuck me =(");
public static String getFormattedString(Context context, int stringRes, int qtt, Object... formatArgs){
return context.getResources().getQuantityString(stringRes,qtt, formatArgs);
public static String getFormattedString(Context context, int stringRes, int qtt){
return context.getResources().getQuantityString(stringRes,qtt);
PS: Forgot the call:
val qtt: Int = 123
context.quantityFromRes(R.plurals.header, qty)
I can also do this:
fun Context.quantityFromRes(id_: Int, qtt:Int, vararg format: Object) = resources.getQuantityString(id_, qtt, format)
but then
Required Object, found Int
I can also cast:
context.quantityFromRes(R.plurals.header, qty, qt as Object)
but also gives:
"java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: %d can't format [Ljava.lang.Object; arguments"
Also, using code directly without an extension function works:
context.resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.header, qtt, qtt)
The problem is you're passing format
argument as single parameter instead of spreading it to Object... args
. The extension method:
fun Context.quantityFromRes(id_: Int, qtt:Int, vararg format: Any) = resources.getQuantityString(id_, qtt, format)
is equivalent to:
fun Context.quantityFromRes(id_: Int, qtt: Int, vararg format: Any): String? {
val args: Array<out Any> = format
return resources.getQuantityString(id_, qtt, args)
Which in Java terms looks like:
public static final String quantityFromRes(Context $receiver, int id_, int qtt, Object... format) {
return $receiver.getResources().getQuantityString(id_, qtt, new Object[]{format});
What you want to do instead is to use spread operator:
fun Context.quantityFromRes(id_: Int, qtt: Int, vararg format: Any): String? {
return resources.getQuantityString(id_, qtt, *format)