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Array to Object es6 javascript

I am trying to see if there is a smaller way of converting an array to an object in es6. ( I do not have to worry about cross-browser )

I currently have:

function (values) // values being an array.
    let [videos, video_count, page] = values;
    let data = { videos, video_count, page };

But I was wondering if it's possible to cut out the first line of the function, let [videos....] part. And somehow inline do the conversion.

I have read through mozilla: Destructuring assignment but I could not see it there. (but I may have understood it wrong) and I am really not clever enough to understand ECMA: ES6 Spec.

I suspect it is not possible and the above is already the simplest I can make it. But if I can get away with not creating the videos, video_count & page tmp variables I would be happier.


  • You can destructure right in the function parameters

    function myFunc([ videos, video_count, page ])
        let data = { videos, video_count, page };

    I do a lot of data abstraction using this technique

    // basic abstraction
    const ratio = (n, d) => ({n, d});
    const numer = ({n}) => n;
    const denom = ({d}) => d;
    // compound abstraction using selectors
    const ratioAdd = (x,y) => ratio(
      numer(x) * denom(y) + numer(y) * denom(x),
      denom(x) * denom(y)
    // or skip selectors if you're feeling lazy
    const printRatio = ({n,d}) => `${n}/${d}`;
    console.log(printRatio(ratioAdd(ratio(1,3), ratio(1,4)))); //= 7/12

    You seem hell-bent on somehow making the code shorter, so here you go. In this case, "making it shorter" means making it longer first.

    // Goal:
    obuild(keys,values) //=> ourObject

    Generic procedures zip, assign, and obuild should give us what we need. This is vastly superior to @CodingIntigue's answer as it's not one big function that tries to do all of the tasks. Keeping them separate means reducing complexity, and increasing readability and reusability.

    // zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [[a,b]]
    const zip = ([x,...xs], [y,...ys]) => {
      if (x === undefined || y === undefined)
        return [];
        return [[x,y],,ys)];
    // assign :: (Object{k:v}, [k,v]) -> Object{k:v}
    const assign = (o, [k,v]) => Object.assign(o, {[k]: v});
    // obuild :: ([k], [v]) -> Object{k:v}
    const obuild = (keys, values) => zip(keys, values).reduce(assign, {});
    let keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
    let values = [1, 2, 3];
    // { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }