i would like to know where eclipse keeps the ruleset for Sonarlint, so i can copy it to other Eclipses without connecting to a Sonar-Server.
As you download Sonarlint, it comes with a standard ruleset. When you connect it to a Sonar-Server it downloads the ruleset defined on the server. So where will be this ruleset stored?
Thanks in advance.
The default ruleset used in standalone mode seems to be defined in classes in the Eclipse Sonarlint plugin jar (e.g. in org.sonarlint.eclipse.core_2.2.1.201608261350-RELEASE.jar
) . This means that it's currently not possible to change this ruleset (unless you want to try and reverse engineer it). Your only option is to connect each machine to a SonarQube server.
It seems there are plans to add more customization support in the future (see also this answer).