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JavaScript set z-index on click

I made a website which consists of a display area that randomly spawns 50 circular <div> elements. I want to make it so when one of the circles is clicked, it comes to the foreground. I thought using the addEventListener function on each circle as it's created would work but I can't get it to do anything. Thank you.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index_styling.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="index_scripts.js"></script>
    <h1>First Last, Assignment #6</h1>
<div id="orange_strip"></div>
                <input type="button" name="add" value="Add Square">
                <input type="button" name="change" value="Change All Square Colors">
                <input type="button" name="reset" value="Reset All Squares">
        <div id="display">

    <div id="copyright">Copyright &copy 2016 - First Mid Last</div>


window.onload = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        var display_div = document.getElementById("display");
        var circle = document.createElement("div");
        var randNum = getRandomDimension(5000);
        circle.setAttribute("class", "circle"); = getRandomColor(); = "absolute"; = getRandomDimension(550); = getRandomDimension(450);
        circle.addEventListener("click", bringToFront(circle));

function bringToFront(element) { = "1";

function getRandomColor() {
    var letters = "0123456789abcdef";
    var result = "#";

    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        result += letters.charAt(parseInt(Math.random() * letters.length));

    return result;

function getRandomDimension(max) {
    var num = Math.floor((Math.random() * max) + 1);
    var str = num.toString();
    return str += "px";


  • This line:

    circle.addEventListener("click", bringToFront(circle));

    ...does not add an event listener. It calls your bringToFront() method immediately and then attempts to assign its return value as a listener except the return value is undefined. (Meanwhile, the effect of calling that function immediately within the loop means all of your divs get set to z-index: 1 upon their creation.)

    You should be passing a reference to the function (note there is no () after the function name):

    circle.addEventListener("click", bringToFront);

    ...and then change the function to work with this, because this will automatically be set to the clicked element at the time the function is called for the event:

    function bringToFront() { = "1";