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Using Sequelize with ES6 Promises?

I'm using Sequelize to connect to a Postgres database. I have this code:

return Promise.resolve()
    .then(() => {
        console.log('checkpoint #1');
        const temp = connectors.IM.create(args);
        return temp;
    .then((x) => console.log(x))
    .then((args) =>{
        args = Array.from(args);
        console.log('checkpoint #2');
        const temp = connectors.IM.findAll({ where: args }).then((res) => => item.dataValues))
            return temp;
    .then(comment => {
        return comment;

In the first .then block at checkpoint #1, the new record is successfully added to the Postgres database. In the console.log(x) in the next then block, this gets logged to the console:

{ dataValues: 
{ id: 21,
  fromID: '1',
  toID: '2',
  msgText: 'Test from GraphIQL',
  updatedAt: Wed Oct 12 2016 09:52:05 GMT-0700 (PDT),
  createdAt: Wed Oct 12 2016 09:52:05 GMT-0700 (PDT) },
{ fromID: '1',
  toID: '2',
  msgText: 'Test from GraphIQL',
  id: 21,
  createdAt: Wed Oct 12 2016 09:52:05 GMT-0700 (PDT),
  updatedAt: Wed Oct 12 2016 09:52:05 GMT-0700 (PDT) },
{ fromID: false,
  toID: false,
  msgText: false,
  id: false,
  createdAt: false,
  updatedAt: false },
{ timestamps: true,
  instanceMethods: {},
  classMethods: {},
  validate: {},
  freezeTableName: false,
  underscored: false,
  underscoredAll: false,
  paranoid: false,
  rejectOnEmpty: false,
  whereCollection: null,
  schema: null,
  schemaDelimiter: '',
  defaultScope: {},
  scopes: [],
  hooks: {},
  indexes: [],
  name: { plural: 'IMs', singular: 'IM' },
  omitNul: false,
   { options: [Object],
     config: [Object],
     dialect: [Object],
     models: [Object],
     modelManager: [Object],
     connectionManager: [Object],
     importCache: {},
     test: [Object],
     queryInterface: [Object] },
  uniqueKeys: {},
  hasPrimaryKeys: true },
{ isNewRecord: true,
  '$schema': null,
  '$schemaDelimiter': '',
  attributes: undefined,
  include: undefined,
  raw: undefined,
  silent: undefined },
hasPrimaryKeys: true,
__eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
isNewRecord: false }

In the .then((args) => code block at checkpoint #2, args comes in as undefined.

How do I get args to contain an array of results from checkpoint #1?


  • .then((x) => console.log(x))
    .then((args) =>{

    is like doing

    .then((x) => {
        return undefined;
    .then((args) =>{

    because console.log returns undefined. That means the undefined value will be what gets passed to the next .then.

    The easiest approach would be to explicitly

    .then((x) => {
        return x;

    or in a shorter version using the comma operator

    .then((x) => (console.log(x), x))