I want to start using the ionic framework, but unfortunately I'm already failing on the first step.
I am running Ubuntu 13.04 and I have node v0.10.25 installed. I've installed ionic, at described in their docs:
sudo npm install -g cordova
sudo npm install -g ionic
The installation went well, no errors or warnings, but after the installation I type
and I get the error:
No command 'ionic' found, did you mean:
Command 'ionice' from package 'util-linux' (main)
Command 'sonic' from package 'sonic' (universe)
ionic: command not found
I'm pretty new to ubuntu so I might have something not configured correctly, but I can't find what.
Well, I found it finally.
The ionic installation was at /home/guy/npm/bin/ionic, not at /usr/bin/ionic at it should be.
Solved it with:
sudo ln -s /home/guy/npm/bin/ionic /usr/bin/ionic