I need to validate save action between 3 domains, here is relationship :
User - JobProcess : one-to-many, JobProcess - Heatmap : one-to-many.
User { static hasMany = [ jobs : JobProcess ] ... }
JobProcess { static hasMany = [ heatmaps : Heatmap ] ... User script ... }
Heatmap { static belongsTo = JobProcess ... JobProcess job ... }
I'm using Exceptions to control validation flow, here is my validation class :
class ValidationException extends RuntimeException {
Object invalidObject
ValidationException(String message, Object invalidObject) {
this.invalidObject = invalidObject
I also build a service class to abstract Heatmap operations (and binds params data to object) :
def addJob(params) {
def user = User.findById(params.user_id)
if (user) {
def heatmap = new Heatmap(params)
def process = new JobProcess(params)
if (user.save()) {
return heatmap
} else {
throw new ValidationException("Invalid form", heatmap )
And my controller :
try {
def heatmap= HeatmapService.addJob(params)
flash.message = "Running new process : $heatmap.job}"
} catch (ValidationException che) {
flash.message = "Validation Failed ${che.message}"
render(view:'create', model:[heatmap:che.invalidObject])
My first issue : I have no error validation by using : user.save() - why no validation are performs?
I can fix this issue buy updating if (user.save()) by : if (heatmap.validate() && user.save()).
Is there a better way to proceed ?
My second issue : my redirect isn't triggering invalid-post exception.
I'm redirected to my create view, but all my fields are blank (I lost all fields information) and no validation errors.
Nevertheless, I'm using model:[heatmap:che.invalidObject].
With the exception, I'm passing back the invalidObject, so my create view should display the exact validation errors ? What's wrong ?
I find my issue, it's due to my GSP view, I was using the wrong bean :
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: heatmapInstance, field: 'project_name', 'errors')}">
So, I updated to heatmap, and now I get my error validation :
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: heatmap, field: 'project_name', 'errors')}">
Thanks Victor.