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Deleting multiple rows at once with Doctrine DBAL, is it possible?

First of all, I just want to mention that this is not an "issue" at all. Deleting with Doctrine DBAL is not a problem and I am able to do it.

What I actually wanted to know is if there is way to delete multiple rows at once without have to loop for example an array.

For my project I use Silex and the Doctrine DBAL

Here goes an example how I currently do it:

$toDelete = array(1,2,3,4);

foreach($toDelete as $id){
   $this->app['db']->delete('table_name',array('id' => $id ));

Is there any approach to avoid the looping?


  • You can use list of parameters:

    $connection->executeQuery('DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id IN (?)',

    or with query builder:

    $builder = $connection->createQueryBuilder()
        ->where('id in (:ids)')
        ->setParameter(':ids', array(array(1,2,3,4)), Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);