I would like to be able to verify that a substring appears in the navigation bar in a UI test.
For example, if the nav bar title is "Rent Properties" then I can match it like so:
XCTAssert(XCUIApplication().staticTexts["Rent Properties"].exists)
However, this has two issues:
How can this be done?
For matching substring Rent, you can use the below code:
XCUIApplication().staticTexts.matchingPredicate(NSPredicate(format: "label CONTAINS 'Rent'")).elementBoundByIndex(0)
//it may contains one or more element with substring Rent.
//you have to find out which element index you want in debug mode using p print() options.
For the first option, there certainly must be a difference while element is showing or not showing. you have to find out it using po or p print option in debug mode.
For example, there may the count is different or the element is not hittable or so on....
you may try to use :
let app = XCUIApplication()
XCTAssert(app.staticTexts["Rent Properties"].exists)
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.staticTexts["Rent Properties"].hittable
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.staticTexts["Rent Properties"].enabled
app.staticTexts.matchingIdentifier("Rent Properties").count
//take count while showing the text and take the count while not showing the text