Assume I have an Appointment
table and a Person
table, where an Appointment
has many Person
If I wanted to find all Appointments containing at least one Person in my list I would do:
Collection<Person> personsList = getInterestedPersons();
BooleanExpresssion expr = appointment.persons.any().in(personsList)
However, what I really want to so is find all Appointments that have ALL the persons in my list.
So, how can I construct a BooleanExpression
that will let me filter for all Appointments who have all the Persons?
Note: I must create a BooleanExprsesion, because this is part of a larger generic filter for Appointments, where all the BooleanExpressions get and()ed together.
Another note, I do not what to find Appointments that have only those Persons, just at least all those in the list.
In this case, I guess the following should work:
BooleanBuilder personClause = new BooleanBuilder();
for (Person person : personList)
query.where(personClause); // to add the clause