Calling EtceteraBinding.promptForPhoto resulting in immediate crash on iOS 10.
public void TakePhotoTapped() {
EtceteraBinding.promptForPhoto(0.2f, PhotoPromptType.Camera, 0.8f, true);
Xcode spits out this log. It does look like some sort of permission issue? Please help.
2016-10-11 11:46:35.758167 xxx[1643:458841] invalid mode 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes' provided to CFRunLoopRunSpecific - break on _CFRunLoopError_RunCalledWithInvalidMode to debug. This message will only appear once per execution.
2016-10-11 11:46:49.760643 xxx[1643:458841] [MC] System group container for path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
2016-10-11 11:46:49.768609 xxx[1643:458841] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.
2016-10-11 11:47:02.450381 xxx[1643:459135] [access] This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
This is related to new iOS 10 Privacy Settings requirement. You must declare ahead of time any access to private data or your App will crash.
You can add a usage key to your app’s Info.plist together with a purpose string or add a script that will do it for you in Unity for all your builds.
SO for each framework you have to declare it's use and enter a string message that is shown to the user.
You can also add a post processing script in your Assets/Editor folder, where you declare all features used - this will automatically add them to Info.plist:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
public class ChangeIOSplistFile : MonoBehaviour {
public static void ChangeXcodePlist(BuildTarget buildTarget, string pathToBuiltProject) {
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) {
// Get plist
string plistPath = pathToBuiltProject + "/Info.plist";
PlistDocument plist = new PlistDocument();
// Get root
PlistElementDict rootDict = plist.root;
var cameraKey = "NSCameraUsageDescription";
rootDict.CreateDict (cameraKey);
rootDict.SetString (cameraKey, "Enter your description here.");
var galleryKey = "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription";
rootDict.CreateDict (galleryKey);
rootDict.SetString (galleryKey, "Enter your description here.");
// Write to file
File.WriteAllText(plistPath, plist.WriteToString());