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Same theme in WordPress multisites but with custom css?

How can I apply the same theme on a WordPress multisites but with differents theme options on each site ?

For example :

site1 --> Theme X with red main color

site2 --> Theme X with green main color



  • Since you need the same theme for both sites, I really advise you to use child themes:

    Site 1 - Main theme:
    • Create /wp-content/themes/site1
    • Create /wp-content/themes/site1/style.css:

      Theme Name: site1
      Template: site1
      Description: Site1 default theme
      Version: 1.0
      Author: <Author_Name>
      Author URI: <Author_URI>
    • Add the rest of the required template files

    Then linking the main theme styles and adding your custom class when creating the child theme as following:

    Site 2 - Child theme:
    • Create /wp-content/themes/site1-child

    • Now add all the files you need to override in your child theme in /wp-content/themes/site1-child/

    • Create /wp-content/themes/site1-child/style.css:

          Theme Name: site1 child
          Template: site
          Description: Site1 child theme
          Author: <Author_Name>
          Author URI: <Author_URI>
    • Add this on the top of your /wp-content/themes/site1-child/style.css (below the commented theme info) file to include the styles of your main theme within the child:

      @import url("../site1/style.css");

    • Add your custom styles below the @import as desired

    Sites configuration:

    After creating the sites in the network panel (/wp-admin/network/sites.php), go to each site's dashboard:

    • /wp-admin/ for the main site
    • /sitename/wp-admin for the second site

    Within the theme section, make sure to assign:

    • your main site to site1 theme
    • your second site to site1-child theme

    I hope this helps. Cheers!