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condtitional aggregate function in mongodb

I have a mongodb that has data as

  "_id": "a",
  "reply": "<",
  "criterion": "story"
  "_id": "b",
  "reply": "<",
  "criterion": "story"
  "_id": "c",
  "reply": ">",
  "criterion": "story"

And I want the result as:

   "criterion": "story",
   "result" : {
                ">" : 1,
                "<" : 2

I want to aggregate on "criterion". So if I do that there will be 1 document. However, I want to count the number of "<" and ">" and write that in the new key as shown in the json above. That is the logic behind this. Could anyone who has a good idea in mongodb help me with this?


  • You'd need to use the aggregation framework where you would run an aggregation pipeline that has a $group operator pipeline stage which aggregates the documents to create the desired counts using the accumulator operator $sum.

    For the desired result, you would need to use a tenary operator like $cond to create the independent count fields since that will feed the number of documents to the $sum expression depending on the name value. The $cond operator can be used effectively to evaluate the counts based on the reply field value. It takes a logical condition as its first argument (if) and then returns the second argument where the evaluation is true (then) or the third argument where false (else). This converts the true/false boolean evaluated returns into 1 and 0 that will feed into $sum respectively:

    "$cond": [
        { "$eq": ["$reply", ">"] },
        1, 0

    So, if within the document being processed the "$reply" field has a ">" value, the $cond operator feeds the value 1 to the $sum else it sums a zero value.

    Use the $project as your final pipeline step as it allows you to reshape each document in the stream, include, exclude or rename fields, inject computed fields, create sub-document fields, using mathematical expressions, dates, strings and/or logical (comparison, boolean, control) expressions. It is similar to SELECT in SQL.

    The following pipeline should return the desired result:

            "$group": {
                "_id": "$criterion",
                ">": {
                    "$sum": {
                        "$cond": [ 
                            { "$eq": [ "$reply", ">" ] }, 
                            1, 0 
                "<": {
                    "$sum": {
                        "$cond": [ 
                            { "$eq": [ "$reply", "<" ] }, 
                            1, 0 
            "$project": {
                "_id": 0,
                "criterion": "$_id",
                "result.>": "$>",
                "result.<": "$<"
    ]).exec(function(err, result) {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));

    Sample Console Output

        "criterion" : "story",
        "result" : {
            ">" : 1,
            "<" : 2

    Note: This approach takes into consideration the values for the $reply field are fixed and known hence it's not flexible where the values are dynamic and unknown.

    For a more flexible alternative which executes much faster than the above, has better performance and also takes into consideration unknown values for the count fields, I would suggest running the pipeline as follows:

            "$group": {
                "_id": {
                    "criterion": "$criterion",
                    "reply": "$reply"
                "count": { "$sum": 1 }
            "$group": {
                "_id": "$_id.criterion",
                "result": {
                    "$push": {
                        "reply": "$_id.reply",
                        "count": "$count"
    ]).exec(function(err, result) {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));

    Sample Console Output

        "_id" : "story",
        "result" : [ 
                "reply" : "<",
                "count" : 2
                "reply" : ">",
                "count" : 1