So.. I am new to this Javascript and using JSON. I am developing a webpage which in this case needs comments, then the current username.
In order to develop this, I tried to create a function that returns the username using the getJSON() method, but obviously that would not work. What I came up with instead was using nested getJSON calls.
Something like this:
$.getJSON(getCommentsURL, function(jsonComments){
$.getJSON(getUsernameURL, function(username){
jsonComments[0].deleteButton = (jsonComments[0].username === username)
// programming logic
Mainly, the reason why I need both information is described in Row 3 of the code sample.
The question I have is, is this implementation acceptable conventionally? It does work, but there might be a more appropriate way to do this implementation. The reason I care about conventions, and appropriate ways to do this, is not only for my own knowledge, but because it is a school assignment that requires the code to be clean and correct (not only that it works).
Very grateful for any answers.
This is a good use case for using jQuery's answer to Promise.all
- $.when
var commentsPromise = $.getJSON(getCommentsURL);
var usernamePromise = $.getJSON(getUsernameURL);
// when both requests complete
$.when(commentsPromise, usernamePromise).then(function(jsonComments, username) {
jsonComments[0].deleteButton = (jsonComments[0].username === username)
// programming logic