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WebRTC to PSTN call established but no audio

Basically i set up an asterisk server, connected to a sip provider to make calls to pstn or mobile networks. I have configured SIP to SIP properly because when i make calls from softphone e.g. Zoiper - Asterisk - Sip provider - Mobile network, the call is established and i can hear audio on both ends.

I want to use WebRTC so im using sipML5 as a client on localhost. I registered sip peer on sipml5 it works fine. I make a call to the softphone or to the PSTN/Mobile network and the call is established but no audio on both ends.

sipML5 gives me an error: onSetRemoteDescriptionError

DOMException: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Called with SDP without ice-ufrag and ice-pwd.

I have enabled ice in rtp.conf and also in the peers in sip.conf. Also put google stun server in rtp.conf.

I can't figure out what the problem is. The problem is in WebRTC to SIP. I haven't installed webrtc2sip gateway by doubango. i am not sure if i should install it since im using asterisk 13.

Any idea what might the problem be?


  • So, just posting the answer to this for anyone that might need it in the future. Basically i was working on localhost without https, for WebRTC is mandatory having https, and in order to make the calls i enabled rtc breaker which lets you make calls even if it is not https connection. So after i just made the connection https, disabled rtc breaker and now everything works as expected. Audio is produced imediately after picking up the phone.