I'have builded a custom relationship to allow Account to open a Module. So i copied org.picketlink.idm.model.basic.Grant and renamed it.
The relationship is created successfully, the database tables are created, but when the relationship is stored on the DB, the records are duplicated:
For the same record there are 2 assignee and 2 module, so if i try to remove the module for instance, i get an exception.
I've read the official guide but it use an annotation:
that not exists!
Anyone has experienced the same duplication error or tryed to build custom relationship?
The problem was in the entities for persisting the records on Database. I have the classes RelationshipTypeEntity and RelationshipIdentityTypeEntity like suggested in the official guide. Theese entity classes are sufficient! I added also ModuleUserRelationship that expands RelationshipTypeEntity, but in this way in the table i found a reference for the RelationshipTypeEntity table and another for the ModuleUser table.
So removing additional entity classes resolved my problem.