I have a List of n sorted Lists with m elements (Strings) each. Those elements originate from a List with a distinct order that I don't know. What I know is that all sublists maintain the element's global order. The lists are not disjoint. The union of the lists is a subset of the original list.
Now, I'm struggling to find an algorithm that would efficiently combine them back into a List (of Lists) with maximum sorting accuracy.
Is there a Solution out there for such a problem?
I am using Java, here is some sample code:
List<List<String>> elements = new ArrayList<>();
// the required method
List<List<String>> sorted = sortElements(elements);
/* expeced output:
* [["A"],["B"],["C"],["D"],["G","F","E","H"]]
You are seeking for topological sorting.
Your initial lists represent directed graph arcs (A->D, D->F etc)
P.S. Special kind of topological sort in order to explicitly divide nodes by levels is called in Russian literature "Demoucron algorithm", but I failed to find proper English description (found links to planar graph drawing articles)
Example of its work: