I am using Enhanced Ecommerce to monitor events of a step-by-step checkout process.
Note: Triple confirmed that EC is enabled on the Analytics Property, and Checkout Funnel Labels have been set (albeit the latter being not required anyway)
When a user clicks the "Next step" button on step 1, the following code gets fired:
ga('ec:setAction', 'checkout', {step: 1});
'Customer Proceeding to Select Accomodation'
This event appears in Real-Time > Events
..but won't appear in Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Analysis > Checkout Behavior
I can't find where I'm going wrong to save my life here so any pointers would be greatly appreciated
The first issue I see is ga('ec:setAction', 'checkout', {'step': 1}); ( Put step in quotes )
Still the issue can persist and this is a general checklist for implementing the Shopping Behaviour analytics.
In your Google Analytics tracking code, the enhanced ecommerce plugin should be included. ga(‘require’, ‘ec’);
To ensure the data flows into the Shopping Behaviour report, you need to send all of the ec:setAction steps. It's important to send these events and in the right order, I have also suggested when you should do that in comments but that's upto you.
ga(‘ec:setAction’, ‘detail’);
//Set this parameter when a visitor views a Product Detail page.
ga(‘ec:setAction’, ‘add’);
//Set this parameter when a visitor adds a product to their cart.
ga(‘ec:setAction’, ‘checkout’);
//Set this parameter when a visitor views the checkout process pages.
ga(‘ec:setAction’, ‘purchase’);
//Set this parameter when a visitor views an Order Confirmation page.
While implementing the shopping analysis steps as mentioned above, do check all the required parameters are set.
The steps (corresponding to step number for checkout) should defined in the Admin section of Google Analytics (which I guess you already did)