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Quick-sort implementation in C

Goal: I'm trying to implement quick-sort in C.
Problem: This quick-sort implementation for C goes on an infinite loop. I think the partition function is okay, because using test cases, the pivot (which is set to index 0) always moves to the correct location. I don't understand why the quicksort function would not eventually reach the base case.

What might be the problem with this implementation?

# include <stdio.h>

// Swapping algorithm
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

// Partitioning algorithm
int partition(int *L, int left, int right){
    int pivot = L[0];

    while (right > left) {
            while (L[left] < pivot) {
                    left = left + 1;
            while (L[right] > pivot) {
                    right = right - 1;
            swap(&L[left], &L[right]);
    swap(&pivot, &L[left]);
    return left;

// Quicksort recursion
void quicksort(int *L, int start, int end) {
    if (start >= end) {
    else {
            int splitPoint = partition(L, start, end);
            quicksort(L, start, splitPoint-1);
            quicksort(L, splitPoint+1, end);

int main() {
    int myList[] = {12, 43, -16, 0, 2, 5, 1, 13, 2, 2, -1};
    printf("UNSORTED LIST\n");
    int *pointer = myList;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            printf("%d ", *(pointer+i));
    quicksort(myList, 0, 9);
    printf("\nSORTED LIST\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            printf("%d ", *(pointer+i));


  • The initial pivot choice should be L[left] not L[0], shouldn't it? However, that's not the only problem in the partition function.

    This code works:

    #include <stdio.h>
    // Swapping algorithm
    static inline
    void swap(int *a, int *b)
        int temp = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = temp;
    static void dump_list(const char *tag, int *ptr, int left, int right)
        printf("%15s [%d..%d]: ", tag, left, right);
        for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
            printf(" %3d", ptr[i]);
    // Partitioning algorithm
    int partition(int *L, int left, int right)
        int pivot = left;
        int p_val = L[pivot];
        while (left < right)
            while (L[left] <= p_val)
            while (L[right] > p_val)
            if (left < right)
                swap(&L[left], &L[right]);
        swap(&L[pivot], &L[right]);
        return right;
    // Quicksort recursion
    void quicksort(int *L, int start, int end)
        if (start >= end)
        //dump_list("PRE-PARTITION", L, start, end);
        int splitPoint = partition(L, start, end);
        //dump_list("POST-PARTITION", L, start, end);
        //printf("Split point: %d\n", splitPoint);
        quicksort(L, start, splitPoint - 1);
        quicksort(L, splitPoint + 1, end);
    int main(void)
        int myList[] = {12, 43, -16, 0, 2, 5, 1, 13, 2, 2, -1};
        dump_list("UNSORTED LIST", myList, 0, 9);
        quicksort(myList, 0, 9);
        dump_list("SORTED LIST", myList, 0, 9);

    It produces the output:

      UNSORTED LIST [0..9]:   12  43 -16   0   2   5   1  13   2   2
        SORTED LIST [0..9]:  -16   0   1   2   2   2   5  12  13  43

    With the debugging prints enabled, the output is:

      UNSORTED LIST [0..9]:   12  43 -16   0   2   5   1  13   2   2
      PRE-PARTITION [0..9]:   12  43 -16   0   2   5   1  13   2   2
     POST-PARTITION [0..9]:    2   2 -16   0   2   5   1  12  13  43
    Split point: 7
      PRE-PARTITION [0..6]:    2   2 -16   0   2   5   1
     POST-PARTITION [0..6]:    1   2 -16   0   2   2   5
    Split point: 5
      PRE-PARTITION [0..4]:    1   2 -16   0   2
     POST-PARTITION [0..4]:  -16   0   1   2   2
    Split point: 2
      PRE-PARTITION [0..1]:  -16   0
     POST-PARTITION [0..1]:  -16   0
    Split point: 0
      PRE-PARTITION [3..4]:    2   2
     POST-PARTITION [3..4]:    2   2
    Split point: 4
      PRE-PARTITION [8..9]:   13  43
     POST-PARTITION [8..9]:   13  43
    Split point: 8
        SORTED LIST [0..9]:  -16   0   1   2   2   2   5  12  13  43