I am trying to load some data from whois.com but the request is failing with 404 not found. In the past it was working but not sure why it stops now. it is a small java script function to find Domain Age.
URL - mygovjobs.in/tools Code snippet:
$(document).ready(function () {
var domainCheckerUrl = "http://www.whois.com/whois/google.com";
/*This line is giving error */ $.getJSON("http://alloworigin.com/get?url=" + encodeURIComponent(domainCheckerUrl) + "&callback=?", function(data){
$('#urlname')[0].value = "";
var dataElement = $(data.contents).find('#registryData')[0];
Namaste Mahesh,
from the site, it looks like the server is not fully functional yet, some configurations are missing! Maybe that's the reason you are getting 404
have a look at the snapshot of alloworigin.com