I am doing a class project which I am to take C code, turn it in x86-64 assembly and then change it to Y86. An in this I am suppose to return the sum of the elements in a linked list to to rax. However, when i try to use the y86 compiler, it doesn't appear. The y86 I made looked like this:
.pos 0
irmovq Stack,%rsp
irmovq Stack,%rbp
jmp Main
irmovq ele1,%rax
pushq %rax
call sum_list
pushq %rbp
rrmovq %rsp,%rbp
irmovq $24,%rdx
subq %rdx,%rsp
irmovq $0,%rdx
rmmovq %rdx,-8(%rbp)
jmp L2
mrmovq 24(%rbp),%rax
mrmovq (%rax),%rax
mrmovq -8(%rbp),%rdx
addq %rax,%rdx
rmmovq %rdx,-8(%rbp)
mrmovq 24(%rbp),%rax
mrmovq -8(%rax),%rax
rmmovq %rax,24(%rbp)
irmovq $0,%rcx
mrmovq 24(%rbp),%rdx
subq %rcx,%rdx
jne L3
mrmovq -8(%rbp),%rax
rrmovq %rbp,%rsp
popq %rbp
.align 8
.quad 0x00d
.quad ele2
.quad 0x0e0
.quad ele3
.quad 0xf00
.quad 0
.pos 0x500
And so rax
should have 0xfed, but in my result, nothing appears.
This is the C code I got it from:
typedef struct ELE{
long val;
struct ELE *next;
} *list_ptr
long sum_list(list_ptr ls){
long val = 0;
val += ls->val;
ls = ls->next;
return val;
Looking at the code, it seems that the pointer to node should be at 16(rbp), not 24(rbp). 0(rbp) = saved rbp value, 8(rbp) = return address, 16(rbp) = pointer to node (to the linked list). I don't see where the extra 8 bytes are pushed onto the stack before rbp is saved.
The program ends at a halt instruction. Are you able to determine the content of rax when this happens (such as using a debugger)?