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jQuery Globalize parse negative number

I'm having problems parsing negative numbers with jQuery Globalize 1.1.1:

Globalize.parseNumber('-1'); // = 1
Globalize.parseNumber('-100,00'); // = 100

So it seems Globalize is converting the negative number to a positive number. The following CLDR-data is loaded:

  • supplemental/likelySubtags
  • supplemental/timeData
  • supplemental/weekData
  • supplemental/numberingSystems
  • main/sv/numbers
  • main/sv/timeZoneNames
  • main/sv/ca-gregorian

Failed to find anything on this via Google-searching. Am I missing something?


  • Globalize (1.1.x) deduces the minus sign symbol from CLDR when parsing. In Swedish (sv), the minus sign is (0x2212) not - (0x2D) as you have used in your example above. That's why it doesn't work for you. A quick test to assert parsing for negative numbers is:

    var sv = Globalize("sv");
    sv.parseNumber(sv.formatNumber(-100)) === -100; // > true

    Having said that, it seems like "Loose Matching" is a feature that might be of your interest. It would normalize the different types of dashes, no-break space to space, comma used as abbreviation, etc before parsing. It's not supported by Globalize. We track such feature here: