We are in the process of testing OpenEJB solution that embeds ActiveMQ 4.1.1. We observe various problems with messaging (bugs, performance, stability). One option is to upgrade to just released OpenEJB 3.1.3 that comes with later ActiveMQ 5.1.3. But I am trying to evaluate other options in case these problems won't go away.
Is it possible to plug different JMS provider with OpenEJB 3.1.x? There is configuration for external ActiveMQ Broker. Would it work with non-ActiveMQ Broker, e.g. JBoss?
You can swap out the JMS provider by plugging in a new Resource Adapter implementation, then declare that in your openejb.xml. Here's an email from a user who replaced ActiveMQ with Tibco. Start with an empty openejb.xml file to be sure you don't have ActiveMQ stuff hanging around.
JBoss probably has a Resource Adapter for thier JMS provider, so you wouldn't need to use the GenericJMSRA like they guy did in that email. You'd just need to create a service-jar.xml for the JBoss JMS RA as that user did for the GenericJMSRA.