I've tried embedding println checks within and above/below the for loop in this, but I can't find a problem with the loop itself.
Function is part of a simple palindrome checker.
public static String checkPalindrome(String x) {
String trimmedX = x.replaceAll("\\W","");
String reverseX = new StringBuilder(trimmedX).reverse().toString();
int length= trimmedX.length();
for (int i=0;i>length;i++){
if (trimmedX.charAt(i)!=reverseX.charAt(i)) {
String z = "It is not a palindrome.";
return z;
String z = "It is a palindrome.";
return z;
I originally had Z set as "it is" above the for loop, but in trying to fix things I've moved it inside the for loop, which confirmed the loop not running.
Perhaps you should inspect the loop more closely:
for (int i=0;i>length;i++){
I think there is an issue with the check on i