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Visual Studio 2015 Class Library (I'm using C#)

I am working on a Windows Service Application. I have several classes in the project and I am trying to put these classes into a ClassLibrary so I can use those classes in the Service App Project, and also in a Console Application Project, so I can run the console version and step through the code. I don't want to re-invent the wheel here...

I have created a Class Library project, and I am having trouble updating the projects in this Solution to use these classes. In fact, when I moved all my classes into the Class Library project, they are all now throwing errors saying, "System" has no member "Data"! My A$$ it doesn't! Pulling my hair out.

Obviously, I have done something wrong. I've been programming since before there WAS a Visual Studio IDE, but this is SEEMING way more complicated than it should be.

Now my Service project cannot reference my Class Library project because the library doesn't have a .dll or .exe extension? I actually have to specify this somewhere, WhereTF do I do this? Isn't this the default behavior of a ClassLibrary? OMG! I just finished an iOS application, and NEVER thought that would be EASIER than a C# app! I did this in VS2010 easily, is 2015 really different?

It should take me no more than 30 minutes to move files from one project in a solution to it's own project, and then add a reference to that new project in the old one. Giving MS a MegaMindWedgie right now..

Don't need portability with RT hardware, just want 32-bit/64-bit computer apps.

All 3 projects are using the same namespace. I can't seem to add any references to the ClassLibrary project like I can in the Service project. It's blank. The only reference available to the Class Library project is .NETStandard,Version=v1.6

All I see when I choose Add->Reference



  • It looks like you have created .NET Core class library. You can determine this based on the extension of the project file: *.csproj has been used with classic .NET framework projects, and *.xproj was introduced for .NET Core. Most probably, you don't need a .NET Core class library. So, your problem will go away if you create .NET Framework Class Library project.