In my app that I build to learn RoR, I want to add change tracking and use the Audited gem for that. While it is clear how to add it to my models, how can I see the changes?
I would want to add a link / button on each page for the different objects / classes / models that opens a view with the audit log. i.e. listing all changes (date/time, field, old value, new value, by user) sorted by the date/time of the change.
Can't find any documentation for it. All help to get started appreciated.
I was needed exact feature when I was working with Papertrail Gem few months back. I modified my code to work for audited gem. I hope below haml code will give you really nice start.
%th Type
%th When
%th Who
%th What Changed
- model.audits.order(:created_at).each do |audit|
%td= audit.action
%td= audit.created_at
- audit.audited_changes.each do |k, v|
%b= k.titleize
%b= "'#{v[0]}'"
%b= "'#{v[1]}'"
The code is self explanatory If you go through
Explanation for audited_changes:
For audited_changes we have hash like audit.audited_changes # => {"name"=>["Steve", "Ryan"]}
. That means you have hash with string as a key and array with two values. first value is before updation and second is after updation.