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Can I get Journal article resource UUID from article ID?

I have created a Liferay WCM structure with a field where the user enters the ID of an existing web content. I want to use that ID to get the resource UUID.

How can I accomplish this?


I followed the help of Parkash Kumar using the FreeMarker language instead of Velocity and it works but using Id:

<#assign EntryId = 456017 /><#-- id -->
<#assign EntryArticleId= 444831 /><#-- articleId -->

<#assign articleId = EntryId?number />
<#assign articleService = objectUtil("com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil") />
<#assign article = articleService.getJournalArticle(articleId) />
<#assign articleResourceId = article.getArticleResourceUuid() />

When I use articleId I get this error:

com.liferay.portlet.journal.NoSuchArticleException: No JournalArticle exists with the primary key 444831


  • First of all locate JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil using $serviceLocator.findService method and

    #set($articleService = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil"))

    then use getArticle method to get article by id (primary key) / articleId, as following:

    #set($id = xxx) here `xxx` is your `$id (primary key)`
    #set($articleById = $articleService.getArticle($id))
    #set($articleId = xxx) here `xxx` is your `$articleId`
    #set($articleByArticleId = $articleService.getArticle($groupId, $articleId))

    Now, you can access all the properties of $article object:

    #set($articleResourceId = $article.getArticleResourceUuid())
    #set($articleUUId = $article.getUuid())