Many functions like strcat, strcpy and alike don't return the actual value but change one of the parameters (usually a buffer). This of course creates a boatload of side effects. Wouldn't it be far more elegant to just return a new string? Why isn't this done?
char *copy_string(char *text, size_t length) {
char *result = malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result[i] = text[i];
return result;
int main() {
char *copy = copy_string("Hello World", 12);
// *result now lingers in memory and can not be freed?
I can only guess it has something to do with memory leaking since there is dynamic memory being allocated inside of the function which you can not free internally (since you need to return a pointer to it).
Edit: From the answers it seems that it is good practice in C to work with parameters rather than creating new variables. So I should aim for building my functions like that?
Edit 2: Will my example code lead to a memory leak? Or can *result be free'd?
To answer your original question: C, at the time it was designed, was tailored to be a language of maximum efficiency. It was, basically, just a nicer way of writing assembly code (the guy who designed it, wrote his own compiler for it).
What you say (that parameters are often used rather than return codes) is mainly true for string handling. Most other functions (those that deal with numbers for example) work through return codes as expected. Or they only modify values for parameters if they have to return more than one value.
String handling in C today is considered one of the major (if not THE major) weakness in C. But those functions were written with performance in mind, and with the machines available those days (and the intent of performance) working on the callers buffers was the way of choice.
Re your edit 1: Today other intents may apply. Performance usually isn't the limiting factor. Equally or important are readability, robustness, pronenees to error. And generally, as said, the string handling in C is today generally considered an horrible relic of the past. So it's basically your choice, depending on your intent.
Re your edit 2: Yes, the memory will leak. You need to call free(copy); Which ties into edit 1: proneness of error - it's easy to forget the free and create leaks that way (or attempt to free it twice or access it after it was freed). It may be more readable and more more prone to error too (even more than the clunky original C approach of modifying the caller's buffer).
Generally, I'd suggest, whenever you have the choice, to work with a newer dialect that support std-string or something similar.