I have created a custom radio button component in angular js which will be used across my application. following is the code i wrote for the component.
.component("ngRadiobutton", {
'<label class="ng-control-radio-button">' +
' <span data-ng-bind="$ctrl.label"></span>' +
' <input type="radio" name="{{$ctrl.group}}" data-ng-model="$ctrl.checked"/>' +
' <div class="ng-control-indicator-radio"></div>' +
'</label>' +
bindings: {
label: '=?',
checked: '=',
group: '@'
controller: function () {
var $ctrl = this;
console.log($ctrl.checked); // Data is binding properly at this stage
<div data-ng-repeat="radio in vm.radioValues">
<ng-radiobutton label="radio.label " group="group1 " checked="radio.checked"></ng-radiobutton>
vm.radioValues = [{ label: 'Value1', checked: true },
{ label: 'Value2', checked:false }
The issue i am facing is that the true and false value which i am setting is not getting bind with the component. by default both the radio button is unchecked. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code.
Thanks in advance
It seems like you try to have the Checkbox behavior for Radio button. (It is not really a binding problem)
Here is a valid version of what you can have :
angular.module("customComponent", [])
.component("ngRadiobutton", {
'<label class="ng-control-radio-button">' +
' <span data-ng-bind="$ctrl.label"></span>' +
' <input type="radio" name="{{$ctrl.group}}" data-ng-model="$ctrl.checked" value="{{$ctrl.label}}" />' +
' <div class="ng-control-indicator-radio"></div>' +
'</label>' +
bindings: {
label: '=?',
checked: '=',
group: '@'
controller: function () {
var $ctrl = this;
console.log($ctrl.checked); // Data is binding properly at this stage
angular.module("customComponent").controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.group = {value: 'Value2' };
$scope.radioValues = [
{ label: 'Value1' },
{ label: 'Value2' }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.6/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="customComponent">
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div data-ng-repeat="radio in radioValues">
<ng-radiobutton label="radio.label" group="group1" checked="group.value"></ng-radiobutton>