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incompatible type in java (task)

It is my first lang, so i am new in that field. Please, help me. I am doing my assignment and I received the mistake in process of compilation:"incompatible types". The first class I have done before and it is works. Employee class I should`t touch anymore.

class Employee{

   private String firstName; // First name of employee
   private String lastName; // Last name of employee
   private String id; // Personal id number of employee
   private String emNum; // Employee number

   static int counter = 0; // The counter variable will keep track the number of employee

   public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String id)
      this.firstName = firstName; 
      this.lastName = lastName; = id; 
      emNum = "EMPTY";

   public void setFirstName(String firstName)
      this.firstName = firstName;

   public String getFirstName()
      return firstName;

   public void setLastName(String lastName)
      this.lastName = lastName;

   public String getLastName()
      return lastName;

   public void setid(String id)
   { = id;

    public String getid()
      return id;

   public void setEmNum(String emNum)
      this.emNum = emNum;

   public String getEmNum()
      return emNum;

   public static int getNumberOfEmployees()
      return counter;

   public String toString()
      if(emNum == "EMPTY"){
        setEmNum("Employee number:No employee number has been assigned yet!");
         return emNum;

      return ("\n\tFirst Name: " + getFirstName() + " " +"Last Name: " + getLastName() 
                 + " " +  "\n\tId number: " + getid() + " " + "\n\tEmployee number: " + getEmNum() );


In the A1Q2 class i have problem. In the loop i wanted to create the list of those employees in ONE array. It shows "cannot find symbol" mistake. Actually, I see that types r different, so it cannot write String type into Employee, but i don`t understand how to fix it.

required: Employee
found: java.lang.String

class TestA1Q2
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String[] firstNames= {"Fred","John","Amir", "James","Bob","Jay","Amber"};
    String[] lastNames = {"Bond","Kates","Memar", "White","Marley","Brown","Nogofski"};
    String[] idNumbers = {"R111111","A222222","AB11111", "KR22121","V311133","L242434","P102432"};
    String[] employeeNum = {"1111","2222","3333", "4444","5555","6666","7777"};

    Employee[] list = new Employee[firstNames.length];
    list = listOfEmployees(firstNames,lastNames,idNumbers); // create the list of employees in one array 

  static Employee[] listOfEmployees(String[] firstNames, String[] lastNames, String[] idNumbers)
     Employee[] employee = new Employee[firstNames.length];
     for (int i = 0; i < firstNames.length; i++){
        employee[i] = firstNames[i] + lastNames[i] + idNumbers[i];
     return employee;


  • You are contacting the strings and trying to store them into the Employee array. You have to create a new employee object using the firstName, lastName and ID and then store the reference in the Employee array.

    Employee[] employee = new Employee[firstNames.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < firstNames.length; i++){
            employee[i] = new Employee(firstNames[i],lastNames[i],idNumbers[i]);
         return employee;

    Post back if that worked.