I'm really struggling with coming up with a clever way to set the correct ContextMenuStrip for the the right node. I have a Tree View with 3 levels. And alongside with it I have 3 different ContextMenuStrips that I've created, each for their respected levels. Is there a simple way or trick that anyone's come across for solving this problem?
Also is there a way to have it so right clicking a node makes it the selected node? Or aka does the same thing as a left click.
Sorry for the 2 in 1 but I imagine if someone knows enough on this topic to solve one of my problems there's a good chance they'll know the second as well.
EDIT: I found a solution to my second problem with this line of code:
treeView.NodeMouseClick += (sender, args) => treeView.SelectedNode = args.Node;
Use the NodeMouseClick event to set the ContextMenuStrip property of the selected node:
void treeView1_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
treeView1.SelectedNode = e.Node;
if (e.Node.Level == 0) {
e.Node.ContextMenuStrip = cms1;
} else if (e.Node.Level == 1) {
e.Node.ContextMenuStrip = cms2;
} else if (e.Node.Level == 2) {
e.Node.ContextMenuStrip = cms3;