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Wrap gridstack.js into Angular 2 component

I have some Angular 1 experience, but we have a need to use gridstack.js in an Angular 2 project.

We are familiar with the gridstack-angular project, but that project is in Angular 1. I think the biggest thing I am having trouble with is the Angular 2 concepts.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Tutorials

    Okay for begginers the Angular 2 Quickstart is the best.

    Then that continues and moves into the Tour of Heroes. Which is also a fantastic tutorial.


    For the tutorials, and quite frankly building ANY Angular 2 app, I would highly recommend using Angular-Cli. It makes building Angular 2 apps a breeze

    Just take a look at the Angular-Cli's Table of Contents to see what it can do



    <div class="grid-stack">
        <div class="grid-stack-item"
            data-gs-x="0" data-gs-y="0"
            data-gs-width="4" data-gs-height="2">
                <div class="grid-stack-item-content"></div>
        <div class="grid-stack-item"
            data-gs-x="4" data-gs-y="0"
            data-gs-width="4" data-gs-height="4">
                <div class="grid-stack-item-content"></div>

    my-grid-stack.component.ts (How to get JQuery in Angular 2)

    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    declare var $: any; // JQuery
      selector: 'app-my-gridstack',
      templateUrl: './app/my-grid-stack/my-grid-stack.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./app/my-grid-stack/my-grid-stack.component.css']
    export class MyGridStackComponent implements OnInit {
      constructor() { }
      ngOnInit() {
          var options = {
              cell_height: 80,
              vertical_margin: 10

    Then I would put the gridstack.js file in the src/assets/libs/gridstack folder.

    Then don't forget to import in your index.html

    <script src="assets/libs/gridstack/gridstack.js"></script>