I have multiple JSON files, each located in different paths. Now I'm trying to concat all files with "grunt-concat-json".
The source JSON files are looking like this:
[ {
"configPath": "Example A"
} ]
[ {
"configPath": "Example B"
} ]
How can I configure my GRUNT Task to get following result JSON File:
"configPath": "Example A"
"configPath": "Example B"
} ]
I've tried with this config:
concat: {
src: [
dest: 'pathX/Merged.json',
options: {
separator: ','
With this setting I get following result:
"configPath": "Example A"
"configPath": "Example B"
but my result JSON should only have ONE array, which I can loop through in my code like
configPaths.forEach(configPath) { ... }
Here is a very basic zero-validation implementation that should be just enough to get you started.
grunt.registerMultiTask('concatArrays', 'concatArrays', function() {
this.files.forEach(function(_set) {
var combined = [];
_set.src.forEach(function(_file) {
combined = combined.concat(JSON.parse(grunt.file.read(_file)));
grunt.file.write(_set.dest, JSON.stringify(combined));
You can configure filesets like:
concatArrays: {
local: {
files: [{
src: ['a.json', 'b.json'],
dest: 'combined.json'