I'm fixing the bellow error "datatable importsheet operation failed. Invalid file" using this way:
On error resume next
DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("STPFilePath"),Environment("TestScriptName"),"Action2"
If Err.Description = "The DataTable.ImportSheet operation failed. Invalid file." \n "Line (20): "DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("STPFilePath"),Environment("TestScriptName"),"Action2""." Then
list of instructions
end if
But I got this error:
The test run cannot continue due to a syntax error.
Expected 'Then'
Line (24): "If Err.Description = "The DataTable.ImportSheet operation failed. Invalid file." \n "Line (20): "DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("STPFilePath"),Environment("TestScriptName"),"Action2""." Then".
Everything looks right. Please any help ? where I'm wrong ?
I'm really struggling with what you are trying to do and your comments are not helping...
When using
On Error Resume Next
and you encounter an error while executing a statement the following things will happen;
will be populated with details of the error that caused the statement to be skipped.The Err
object is made up of a few key properties that describe the error that occurred;
- The Error Code of the error that was raised.Source
- The Source of the error that was raised, this can be 3rd party library, the VBScript Runtime etc.Description
- A free text description of the error.If you want to check for error
The DataTable.ImportSheet operation failed. Invalid file.
DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("STPFilePath"),Environment("TestScriptName"),"Action2"
is executed you need to capture the Err.Number
code that corresponds to that specific error.
Something like this;
On Error Resume Next
DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("STPFilePath"),Environment("TestScriptName"),"Action2"
'Check that an error occurs
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Identify specific error and deal with accordingly.
Select Case Err.Number
Case 20012 'Code for DataTable.ImportSheet operation failed
'List of instructions...
Case Else
'Unhandled error show to screen
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Source & ") - " & Err.Description
End Select
'Finished handling the error
Call Err.Clear()
End If
What I find most confusing is the miss-information in this thread.
"I need the description and not the number and the problem is to use Err.Details and not Err.Description in my case. Now, it is working." - Ref
The Err
object does not contain a property called Details
unless this is something specific to QTP but so far I haven't been able to find anything with a quick Google Search. So how you can say "it is now working" is beyond me.