I try to run a Start.java in package org.geoserver.web
with following configuration :
JRE version : 1.8
GeoServer version : master (2.10-beta)
IDE : InteliJ IDEA
mavan: Bundled (Mavan 3) (plugin of InteliJ IDEA
but seams it cannot find the classes from
import org.geoserver.wcs.kvp
import org.geoserver.wcs.kvp.rangesubset.ASTAxisId.
That (and other) classes are generated by javacc as part of the build for the WCS1_1 module.
In my local copy of the jar they are present:
jar tvf target/gs-wcs1_1-2.10-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep ASTA
1057 Thu Oct 06 08:43:24 BST 2016 org/geoserver/wcs/kvp/rangesubset/ASTAxisId.class
1073 Thu Oct 06 08:43:24 BST 2016 org/geoserver/wcs/kvp/rangesubset/ASTAxisSubset.class
and the source can be found in target/generated-sources/javacc
so you may need to add that to the build path in InteliJ.